Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Boston Visit

We had our follow up appointment at Children's Hospital today.  I'm happy to report that Hannah's Rheumatologist, Dr. Sundel, was pleased with Hannah's progress.  YIPPIE!  I was, of course, hoping for that kind of news but have prepared myself for the unexpected.  After all, our last visit in January was sure to bring good news.  And that was anything but.  

Hannah's range of motion is impressive considering the brief time she's been on Enbrel.  Her swelling is down some and it doesn't appear that the arthritis has spread to further joints at this point.  We are soooo very relieved and remain optimistic!  In fact, we don't have to go back to Boston until June!  We've never gone that long without a doctor's visit, woo-hoo for us!

So for now, we will continue what we're doing medicine wise.  We will increase her O.T. a bit since the decrease in inflammation allows her to do things she normally wouldn't.  Dr. Sundel mentioned some possible changes in the future should her body not progress enough.  I took the denial card on this news.  I don't want to know right now other med changes or injections or whatever the case may be.  I will worry too much and my imagination will get the better of me.  I want to remain optimistic and will continue to believe that this medicine is exactly what Hannah's body needs to get into remission!

The photo is of Hannah with Jennifer Vaughn, anchorwoman for WMUR 9 News.  Jennifer came out to our house a couple of weeks ago to interview us to help spread the word on JRA.  The segment is scheduled to air during the 5 O'Clock hour tomorrow or Friday!  Hope you can tune in!


Anonymous said...

Hip Hip Hooray!!!! That is wonderful news! I am so happy things are turning around...I'm sure it makes it a tiny bit easier going through the shot experience knowing it's paying off! What a great photo...can't wait to see the news segment.
love to you all...
Auntie Daria

Anonymous said...

Hi, so good to see things progressing for the good. the pictures are a nice touch
great blog
Grandpa& grandma

Chris and Penny said...

so glad there is some good news in all of this. you'll have to tape the news segment so we can see it sometime. what a superstar hannah is! three cheers for a long wait for the next appointment!!

Kaysi Leiterman said...

My inlaws live in your area and sent me your info. Our 4-year old daughter also has JRA. She has it in both knees, ankles, wrists and most of her fingers. She also takes Enbrel as well as MTX. We live in SC, but have to take her to Duke in NC because of the shortage of doctors here. She is doing very well and if she continues to improve she will be tapered ff her drugs in June! Would love to chat w/you and compare notes! You can email me at
Here's my blog:
Kaysi Leiterman