Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Mother's Day Tea

Hannah's school does this wonderful thing each Mother's Day.  They have 'tea' for moms!  

I was given clear instructions from Hannah to wear a dress and bring a purse.  I really wanted to enjoy this time with just Hannah in her space at school, so Parker stayed home with a sitter.  

As I walked into the school, I was ushered by Hannah to a beautifully set table with fresh flowers.  I had a special card and gift placed beside my name card.  The gift: a pin with a painted face that Hannah made herself.  

The children did all the work for this shin-dig.  From setting the tables, to preparing the delicate snacks and the best part: some singing!

1 comment:

Chris and Penny said...

she is such a doll.i love the instructions to wear a dress and bring a purse! hilarious!