Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Medical Update

June was filled with check ups and blood draws for Hannah.   

Her eyes checked out just fine, thankfully!  And Boston Rheumatology was pleased with her progress.  No added joints, no added medications!  YIPPIE!  We were just thrilled to hear this.

The only concern we (and the doctors) have is her immune system.  It is compromised with the arthritis alone but the addition of her meds compromise it further.  This is why it took her little body 10 days to fight off a 105 degree fever.  In general, it takes Hannah at least twice as long, if not longer, to fight off infections.  


*she is a very good hand washer
*we have so much purell (in the car, in the house, in the back packs)
*we boost with vitamin supplements
*we eat healthy (aside from the occasional Wendy's visit!)

So, we're doing what we can, on our part anyhow, to ensure that she is clear of germs.  I always felt like I was a 'laid back' kind of mom about common illness (tummy bugs, colds, etc) but now that Hannah is so susceptible to infection, well, not so much.

The dilemma I do have right now is about vaccines.  Hannah is up to date, technically.  There area  slew of vaccines/boosters kids need between 4 and 6 years of age.  She is due for more of the polio/pertussis, etc.  Given her weak immune system and the slightest chance of infection from said boosters I have opted to hold off for now.  I have heard about some disturbing possibilities with vaccines and RA and the meds for RA.  So, I've got some research to do.  Fortunately, our doctors will have medical reason for any issues we may face with schooling.  

1 comment:

Chris and Penny said...

great news! i am so glad all is well and ms hannah is flourishing so! congrats to all of you!