Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Kindergarten Graduation

This blog has been sorely lacking, I do apologize.  Life has been ridiculous these last several months and I am determined to revive this blog!  So I thought it very fitting, since our last entry was of Hannah on her first day of Kindergarten, to post a photo of Hannah at Kindergarten graduation.
Smiling pretty with Auntie Daria!

Hannah and Mommy

Our Kindergarten graduate looking 
soooo grown up in this photo!

Daddy and Hannah

Hannah alongside her Kindergarten Teacher sharing Hannah's dream to be an artist when she grows up!

Hannah with some of her classmates during their show.


Anonymous said...

Nikki, what a priceless entry! The kids looked adorable in their little graduation caps ;) Congrats!

~ Sarah

Anonymous said...

OH...MY....GOODNESS!!! She looks so grown up and beautiful....I don't think she stopped smiling the whole day! So glad I could be there to share that moment! I just love her so much!!!
Auntie Daria