Tuesday, October 7, 2008

This just in from Boston....

We are ecstatic to report that Hannah is looking perfect!  

We met with her rheumatologist yesterday and he confirmed our feelings:  Hannah is looking just perfect.  In fact, he said, just looking at her, one wouldn't know she has JRA.  

We've been feeling like Hannah has been doing well all summer.  No illnesses, she's eating great, growing quite a bit (she's gained 3 pounds and grown 3/4 of an inch since June!) and her energy level is right up there with her peers.  

Her doctor informed us that we can start a plan to wean her off of the Enbrel (the stronger of the two meds) immediately.  So, instead of four injections per month, it'll be three injections per month.  Woo hoo!  Who knew that would be worth celebrating!  Keep your fingers crossed that her little body will continue to be healthy with less meds.  


Chris and Penny said...

great news all around! i am so happy for hannah and for you guys! three cheers for less meds!!!

Erika said...

ABSOLUTELY worth celebrating!!! Whooo hooo!!! Congrats for her, its fantastic to read such great news & hear of her growth spurt & energy level :) YAY :) She's a cutey, post more often!

Best, Erika

Jacob's Mom said...

Hi! Great news to hear! We are from the Boston area also. My son is being treated for JRa at Floating. I hope all goes well with the taper.


anjo said...

Hi. I am anjo from the Philippines. I saw your video on hannah at youtube. I searched for JRA. My 6y/o daughter is suffering from JRA/JIA too. Her case is quite severe. She cant walk. Her wrists and fingers are swollen too. She is taking methotrexate for a year now. Since the progress is too slow, she is about to undergo ENBREL treatment maybe a month from now. Well, i dont know anyone from our country with the same condition as my child. I only find facts and stories via internet. I do hope then you can share your stories with me. I am quite worried on taking ENBREL but at the same time, I am looking forward to it. It maybe the best chance we have to finally cure my daughter and see her walk again!..I dont have a blog site yet. I just opened an account here. But hopefully, u can send me an e-mail at JFCorpus@smart.com.ph. Thank you so much.