Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Some Good News!

Finally, we have some good news to report on Hannah's front!  We went to our O.T. session on Monday to discover that Hannah's range of motion in her left wrist has sky rocketed from 0 degrees to 50 degrees!  YIPPIE!  This number is considered to be functional, something Hannah has never had with her wrist.  There is a lot of strength training to do as well as retraining her brain to utilize certain muscles that have been underdeveloped, but there is such great hope today.  This hope is very welcomed as it has been absent these last few weeks.

Clearly the Enbrel is having an effect just as the doctors said it would, right around week 4.  Tomorrow will be our fourth shot of Enbrel, so we're right on schedule in terms of seeing the effects of the medicine.  
Hannah is being as brave as she can with the shots, but we are far from mastering them.  The last two shots didn't go smoothly and both times I ended up bruising her little legs.  sigh.  It's a learning curve and I am determined to succeed!  I'll post tomorrow and let you know how things go.

1 comment:

Chris and Penny said...

so happy that the shots seem to already be working! amazing. glad pt went well. practice will make perfect on the shots. you and hannah will get into a groove where it does not hurt as much, she does not hate it as much, and the bruising is less frequent. hang in there!