Saturday, January 2, 2010

All I Want For 2010, Are My Two Front Teeth!

Happy New Year everyone!  I have one new year's resolution for 2010: revive the blog.  Fingers crossed that I'll follow through.  If you're reading this, leave a comment, it might encourage me to continue if I know others are actually reading it. 
We're excited to welcome this new year and hope it has good things in store for us, especially after this last challenging year.  As a quick recap, Michael began a new job in June and is enjoying it.  I went back to work too, at the kids' Montessori School.  Hannah is in First grade and Parker is in preschool.  Hannah remains stable with her JRA and the medications.

We are in the midst of a great snow storm here.... it's absolutely gorgeous!  Our family loves snow and it's really great to see our kids bolt for the door as soon as they see the first flakes fly.  Today was no different, as our bundled up kids enjoyed sledding and fort making.  The end of their play would mark a milestone in Hannah's life, though.  

While running toward Michael, she landed face first into his elbow, knocking out both front teeth!  The teeth have been barely hanging on for a few weeks, so we weren't completely surprised about this outcome, but poor Hannah was a bit traumatized.  Her gums would not let up in bleeding, despite using a cold face cloth with ice for 45 minutes.  I finally called Ask A Nurse and it turns out we should have been having her hold a dry cloth on her gums.  Sure enough, the dry cloth worked like a charm.  But she is still walking around with a face cloth in her mouth at all times because she doesn't like the taste/feeling of her raw gums.  Oh poor girlie!  Perhaps the tooth fairy will cheer her up some?


Chris said...

i knew you must be loving this snow! tomorrow promises more more more! congrats to hannah for losing her teeth. i hope the tooth fairy was good to her. and three cheers for a new blog post!

77annette77 said...

It was wonderful to find the news piece on your family. Our daughter just turned 13 and has been dealing with JRA since the end of 3rd grade. She also has low thyroid and some liver issues which now I have learned that kids with JRA are open to other auto immune diseases. Colleen has not been doing well for a few month and is in a flare. She is starting Physical Therapy and changing drugs. They are starting her on Embrel. We will start next Saturday on the new adventure since that's what all these meds seem to be. I guess if there is something to be grateful in all of this it's that she was a little older when all of this hit. It's more difficult now because she is moving into her teen years. She started Junior High this year and a lot has changed. I love the idea of being able to share with another family what we are going through. Thank you for the Blog, which I will love to follow.

martha said...

I am reading more!